Ballarat-based PETstock talks expansion, restructuring, and the future | The Courier | Ballarat, VIC – Ballarat Courier

With a new national operations centre and eyes on international dominance, Ballarat-based PETstock is leveling up. The business is restructuring, with a rebrand for the newly-formed parent company, and a significant amount of new investment boosting growth following a turbulent but ultimately successful pandemic year. The new moniker, Petspiration Group, will cover each of the…

Composition of active mass: inventory of goods and rights – International Law Office

Introduction Composition of inventory Function of inventory Deficit Introduction Article 192 of the Consolidated Text of the Bankruptcy Law (TRLC) introduces the concept of the ‘active mass’ of a bankruptcy, which constitutes all of the assets and rights integrated into the bankrupt’s assets on the date of the declaration of bankruptcy, as well as those…