Trade Ministry Denies Its Import Relaxation Causes Sritex to Go Bankrupt

Jakarta. Trade Minister Budi Santoso has denied that the recent ministerial regulation on import relaxations had caused the downfall of Indonesia’s textile giant Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex). The Semarang commercial court recently declared Sritex bankrupt, thus potentially causing 50,000 people to lose their jobs. Earlier this year, then-Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan issued a ministerial regulation…

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Insolvency board issues discussion paper to streamline corporate resolution process, ET RealEstate

NEW DELHI: Insolvency board IBBI on Tuesday issued a discussion paper to provide clarity on various operational aspects including those related to coordinated resolution of interconnected entities and streamlining of submission of resolution plans. The paper proposes several amendments to address operational challenges in the resolution framework. The IBBI has invited public comments on the…