Editor’s note: The ripples of “double reduction” are being felt even a month after it came into effect, as one more private tutoring institute, called JurenGiant in English, declared bankruptcy on Aug 31, a day before the start of a new school semester. Why is the tutoring sector reform important? And what could be the benefits and side effects of the reform? Two experts share their views on the issue with China Daily’s Yao Yuxin. Excerpts follow:
Prep schools should change roles to survive
The education authorities’ move is meant to reduce the total amount of time required to do school homework and ease the burden of on-campus or after-school training programs (or double reduction) on students.
Compared with the…
Read the full article at: http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202109/04/WS6132b447a310efa1bd66d4ab.html