Letter to the Editor by Cr Glen Hartwig
IT IS an interesting read, Cr Curran’s letter (published online today and in The Gympie Times November 28.).
Once again selected information that is not completely representative of the real situation. The facts are that the Water and Sewage Department had a number of redundancies and one retirement, if you would call it that.
On that retirement, I think Cr Curran is the only person left in Gympie who still believes that Bob Fredman retired of his own free will and was not sacked first.
Bob Fredman
He may be one of the few left who still believe the Water and Sewage restructuring that resulted in a number of staff being moved on was not a purging.
He also appears to believe the river walk was no…
Read the full article at: https://www.gympietimes.com.au/news/gloves-off-hartwig-challenges-mayor-to-let-fredman/3276331/