Israeli auto-tech company GuardKnox, which has raised $60 million to date, has filed for insolvency after accumulating debts of NIS 11 million ($3.06 million).
Founded in 2016 by Israel Air Force veterans Moshe Shlisel, Dionis Teshler (who was the company’s CTO before leaving two and a half years ago), and Idan Nadav, Guardknox developed an automotive cybersecurity product that includes both software and hardware. GuardKnox specialized in protecting smart and autonomous vehicles from cyber threats.
According to an insolvency filing submitted by attorneys Dr. Shlomo Nass, Inbal Rahamim-Avital, and Itay Michaeli of the Firon law firm, the company’s financial troubles began during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, it was forced to raise only…