A 16-year-old Melbourne boy was able to gamble nearly $100,000, including at suburban pubs, despite his mother desperately seeking help, a court has heard.
The Melbourne magistrates court heard that when his mother discovered his gambling habits, she began a frantic mission to get him help, only to be repeatedly turned away.
In April last year, she contacted more than 30 individuals and organisations. But because of his age and his unwillingness to stop gambling, none could offer her help beyond a suggestion that she not give him access to money and that she look after herself.
The court heard that the woman has cashed out her superannuation, re-mortgaged her previously paid-off home and take on extra work to cover her sons gambling debts, …
Read the full article at: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/dec/07/melbourne-pub-preston-hotel-fined-bets-from-boy-16-gambling-debts