With our celebrities, we sadly shout loudest for the untouchables. Throughout time, those most inaccessible to Joe public have become the most revered due, in part, to their ability to retain their air of mystery. You can magnify that reverence when one of these untouchables dies at desperately young age. Elvis was one of the first and Michael Jackson, despite the public proclamations of loving every one of youse, preferred to keep himself to himself.
Lennon died young and is worshipped in death, as are Steve McQueen and Freddie and Kurt and Amy and, well, the list goes on
But some choose to opt out of the fame game and change careers dramatically and reinvent themselves, either through the career giving up the ghost, boredom with the …
Read the full article at: https://www.eppingforestguardian.co.uk/news/19587953.celebrities-went-second-careers/