Women are increasingly more likely than men to see their finances deteriorate so badly that they become insolvent, official figures show.
The rate of female insolvencies across England and Wales first overtook that for men in 2014 and since then the insolvency gender gap has widened.
In 2016, for the first time, women were more likely than men to take out a form of insolvency called an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) an agreement whereby money is shared out between creditors.
Women, coastal towns & #NorthEast have highest rates of #insolvency R3 comments on @insolvencygovuk 2016 stats https://t.co/6lGz07lf9o
R3 Press Office (@R3PressOffice) July 13, 2017
Women had a rate of 10.9 IVAs per 10,000 adults last year, while for men the r…
Read the full article at: http://www.eastlothiancourier.com/news/15409179.Women____increasingly_more_likely_than_men_to_become_insolvent___/