HELP debt indexation at the lower of CPI or a fixed maximum rate – giving HELP borrowers more certainty than the Universities Accord final report lower of CPI or WPI recommendation – Andrew Norton

Over the last two years high CPI-driven HELP debt indexation – 3.9% in 2022, 7.1% in 2023, probably in the vicinity of 5% this year – has been a major issue. It has brought to public attention HELP debt issues that had been waiting for their trigger. The last time HELP debt indexation exceeded 5%…

ESG in emerging markets sovereign debt

[3520359] The views expressed represent the investment team’s assessment of the market environment as of May 2024, and should not be considered a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any security, and should not be relied on as research or investment advice. Views are subject to change without notice. This market commentary has been prepared for…

The SICC’s first restructuring decision: recognition of Garuda Airlines PKPU proceedings | Global law firm

Introduction In October 2022, the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC)’s procedural rules were amended to provide it with the jurisdiction to hear cross-border corporate insolvency, restructuring and dissolution proceedings. Highly respected restructuring and insolvency judges were also appointed to SICC’s panel of international Judges, to cement Singapore’s position as the Southeast Asian jurisdiction…