Collier Homes in liquidation after 60 years in business

One of Western Australia’s biggest residential building companies has collapsed, with Collier Homes falling into liquidation after more than 60 years. The Australian Securities and Investment Commission confirmed the company would shut down, with Robert Conry Brauer and Linda Methven Smith, from McGrath Nicol, appointed as liquidators. Collier Homes was created in 1959 by Raymond…

Why the HELP debt system needs a rethink

Loading Let me explain how that average person would have ended up there. HELP is an income-contingent loan, which means graduates do not start paying it off until they are earning above a particular threshold. Once a graduate starts earning more than $51,550, their employer needs to start deducting HELP repayments from their pay alongside…

The Body Shop Belgium declared bankrupt

The Body Shop‘s Belgian branch has been declared bankrupt. A German buyer is reportedly already in place to acquire the profitable remains. Done deal The bankruptcy was declared in the Netherlands, because the Belgian activities are part of the same entity as the Dutch shops. The receiver has not yet announced what the consequences are…

Building a core rule-based decision tree to explain the causes of insolvency in small and medium-sized enterprises more easily

Methodological process Figure 1 shows our research framework. First, we collected datasets on the technological feasibility assessment used in the actual lending progress to SMEs. In the preprocessing step, we extracted technological feasibility assessment information of the manufacturing industry. We divided the datasets into three types, a general type, a technology development type, and a…