By the Horns enters liquidation

One of London’s original craft beer names, By the Horns, has entered liquidation, with owners citing bad debtors, the economy and rent hikes as just some of the reasons. The company, founded in 2011 by Alex Bull and Chris Mills, started with a five and a half barrel kit in Summerstown, before moving production out…

Is the University going bankrupt?

The University of York is facing a financial crisis and are consequently trying to lower their running costs, but there is significant concern about how this will affect students’ experience, as well as the quality of teaching. Nouse spoke to a staff member from the TFTI department who said: “Every department had to produce a…

Abhishek Bachchan, who quit college when dad Amitabh went bankrupt, says he will ‘turn heaven and earth upside down’ to not lose money in business | Bollywood News

Abhishek Bachchan, who has been an entrepreneur for many years now, recently spoke about his investments, and said that there was a time when he was signing films just to fund his sporting business. But, he said, that isn’t the case anymore. The actor said that this strategy took the joy out of creative work,…

Budget 2025: Relief for a larger segment of Indian promoters under the insolvency code

India’s insolvency ecosystem has long advocated for a Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process (Prepacks) for all corporates. In her budget speech, the Finance Minister has, perhaps inadvertently, taken a partial step forward on the subject.More than 99% of the Indian companies have a turnover which is less than ₹500 crores. In this context, the recent reclassification…