The people losing money to strata

The stress contributed to a deterioration in Go’s mental health until she ended up in hospital for six months, and her sister Wendy Lee, also a pseudonym, became her legal guardian. “She’d been living without electricity for almost a year, the water was dripping because she couldn’t pay the water bills and there was nothing…

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Ex-interpreter who stole millions from Shohei Ohtani to be sentenced in federal fraud case

Paul Bersebach/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images (LOS ANGELES) — Ippei Mizuhara, the former interpreter for MLB star Shohei Ohtani, is set to be sentenced Thursday on federal charges related to stealing nearly $17 million from the Dodgers player, nearly a year after the gambling controversy first surfaced. Mizuhara, 40, admitted to fraudulently transferring…