What It Is and Potential Causes

What Is Insolvency? Insolvency refers to a business that can no longer pay its debts. A company might be unable to repay creditors if it’s struggling financially. The company might have had a significant drop in income due to lost sales, increased expenses due to the cost of goods or labor, or the business might…

Can corporate debtors avoid regulatory actions during moratoriums? Legal experts weigh in, ET LegalWorld

Highlights The Supreme Court ruled that the interim moratorium under Section 96 of the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016, does not protect corporate debtors from penalties under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, emphasizing the importance of consumer protection regulations during insolvency proceedings. Legal experts clarified that the moratorium applicable to corporate debtors under Section 14…

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Consortium of lenders of Jaiprakash Associates transfers debt to NARCL- The Week

    New Delhi, Mar 12 (PTI) Jaiprakash Associates Ltd, which is undergoing an insolvency process, on Wednesday said that a consortium of lenders has transferred their outstanding loans to National Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd (NARCL).    Jaiprakash Associates Ltd (JAL) in a regulatory filing informed that the consortium of lenders of the company have “assigned/transferred their outstanding debt/financial…

Consortium of lenders of Jaiprakash Associates transfers debt to NARCL- The Week

New Delhi, Mar 12 (PTI) Jaiprakash Associates Ltd, which is undergoing an insolvency process, on Wednesday said that a consortium of lenders has transferred their outstanding loans to National Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd (NARCL).    Jaiprakash Associates Ltd (JAL) in a regulatory filing informed that the consortium of lenders of the company have “assigned/transferred their outstanding debt/financial…