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Finance Minister Affirms Government’s Commitment to Adopting International Best Practices in Public Debt Management » Iraqi News Agency

Baghdad-INA   Minister of Finance Taif Sami affirmed on Monday the government’s commitment to adopting international best practices in public debt management, while noting Iraq’s aspiration to benefit from international expertise in this field. The Ministry of Finance stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that”Minister of Finance Taif Sami participated…

Thaksin Proposes Bold Debt Relief Plan At Pishnulok University

On March 17, 2025, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra addressed the pressing issue of household debt during his talk at Pishnulok University, highlighting his vision for economic prosperity for all Thais. Thaksin proposed audacious ideas for alleviating the financial burdens faced by citizens, such as the government potentially purchasing public debts from the banking system.…