Rising mortgage debt is affecting everything from employment to spending, as Australians approach retirement, our study finds. Higher levels of housing debt among pre-retirees are linked to them working for longer.
We found for a home owner aged 45-64 years, the chances of being employed are around 40% higher for every additional $100,000 in mortgage debt owed against the family home.
Theres also a link between house price changes and household spending. For every $100,000 increase in the value of a persons house, annual household spending of home owners increased by around $1,500. These home owners are willing to increase their spending because theyre able to borrow more against their home to finance it.
Mortgage debt burden…
Read the full article at: https://www.domain.com.au/news/australians-are-working-longer-so-they-can-pay-off-their-mortgage-debt-20170630-gx100n/