Whistleblower claims exposing corporate corruption in Byju’s insolvency process; implicates Ernst and Young and GLAS Trust in illegal activities

A whistleblower from Ernst and Young India claims to expose a major corporate corruption case involving Byju’s insolvency.  As per the whistleblower, Dinkar Venkatasubramanian of EY India allegedly managed the insolvency process for Byju’s on behalf of GLAS Trust, undermining the IBC, 2016.  The whistleblower possesses 30GB of evidence, including emails from the interim resolution…

Bankruptcy court allows exclusion of time in Gitanjali Gems liquidation due to PMLA proceedings

The bankruptcy court in Mumbai has allowed an application filed by the liquidator of Gitanjali Gems to exclude about 260 days from the liquidation process of fugitive diamantaire Mehul Choksi-promoted firm’s liquidation process. The company’s liquidator Santanu T Ray has sought exclusion for almost nine months due to ongoing investigations and proceedings under the PMLA…

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