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No Cookies | The Courier Mail

Please note that by blocking any or all cookies you may not have access to certain features, content or personalization. For more information see our Cookie Policy. To enable cookies, follow the instructions for your browser below. Facebook App: Open links in External Browser There is a specific issue with the Facebook in-app browser intermittently…

MAFS bride Katie Johnston boasted about her ‘social enterprise’ on the hit reality show – but failed to mention her company owes almost $500,000 in unpaid super, tax and luxury car loans

By BRETT LACKEY FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA Published: 17:24 AEDT, 1 February 2025 | Updated: 17:57 AEDT, 1 February 2025 The ‘social enterprise’ business helmed by a participant on the reality TV juggernaut Married at First Sight has debts of nearly half a million dollars, including unpaid superannuation to its employees.  Documents from the Australian Securities…

Pre-Existing Dispute Between Financial Creditor And Corporate Debtor Doesn’t Bar Petition U/S 7 Of IBC: NCLT

The National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi bench comprising Chief Justice (Retd.) Ramalingam Sudhakar (President) and Avinash K. Srivatava (Technical Member) has held that a pre-existing dispute between the Financial Creditor and Corporate Debtor does not bar a petition under section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC”) to be entertained. The Tribunal…

IBC resolution plans take 582 days on average, liquidation process takes 499 days: Survey

According to the survey, the NCLT reported adjudicating 34,690 cases out of 35,501 cases filed, achieving a 98% adjudication rate as of July 2024. However, 2,593 cases are still awaiting admission, and 4,723 cases remain pending after admission. As of September 2024, 30 courts and 16 benches (of NCLT) were functioning headed by the President, and 31 each of judicial and technical members,…

No Cookies | The Courier Mail

Please note that by blocking any or all cookies you may not have access to certain features, content or personalization. For more information see our Cookie Policy. To enable cookies, follow the instructions for your browser below. Facebook App: Open links in External Browser There is a specific issue with the Facebook in-app browser intermittently…