Monthly Insolvency Statistics: December 2024

In 2024, there were 23,872 registered company insolvencies, which included 18,840 creditors’ voluntary liquidations (CVLs), 3,230 compulsory liquidations, 1,597 administrations, 202 company voluntary arrangements (CVAs), and three receivership appointments. The overall number of corporate insolvencies in 2024 was 5% lower than in 2023, the greatest yearly figure since 1993. The reduction in overall firm insolvency…

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NCLT orders liquidation of Go First Airways

The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) ordered the liquidation of Go First Airways after a request from the airline’s Committee of Creditors (CoC), Bar and bench reported on Monday. The NCLT bench, consisting of Judicial Member Mahendra Khandelwal and Technical Member Dr. Sanjeev Ranjan, confirmed the decision, saying, “Liquidation is ordered.” Go First filed a…

NCLT allows liquidation of Go First Airways

National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi: In an application file seeking initiation of liquidation proceeding of Go Airlines (India) Limited under Section 33(2) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) based on CoC resolution, a Division bench of Mahendra Khandelwal* (Judicial Member) and Dr. Sanjeev Ranjan (Technical Member), allowed the liquidation of Go Airlines (India)…

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NCLT orders liquidation of Go First

Its remaining assets include a 94-acre land parcel in Thane, valued at Rs 3,000 crore, an Airbus training facility in Mumbai and its headquarters. The CoC had appointed Dinkar Venkatasubramanian as liquidator. Go First, promoted by the Wadia family, stopped flying on May 3, 2024, a day after it filed for bankruptcy. A financial crisis…