Configure Express franchise firm put into liquidation | –

GEORGE HEARD/FAIRFAX NZ Configure Express in Centre Place, Hamilton, closed in June last year. A company behind troubled gym franchise Configure Express has gone into liquidation, just months after losing an employment dispute and being ordered to pay more than $23,000. Rem Global, previously named Figurex, was put into liquidation on June 23, according to Companies…

Sears hold liquidation sales beginning Friday; 20 more stores closing – KIRO Seattle

by: Debbie Lord, Cox Media Group National Content Desk Updated: Jul 1, 2017 – 12:44 PM “; var imageDivId = “#”+”imageDisplayModal_545716734”; if ($(“.reveal-modal-bg”).length == 0) { $(“#wrapper”).after(“”); } if ($(imageDivId).length == 0) { $(“#wrapper”).after(contentText); } Sears stores across the country will be holding liquidation sales Friday. The chain is trying cost-cutting measure to survive, according…

SBI Moves Insolvency Proceedings Against Electrosteel – NDTV

State Bank of India initiated the corporate insolvency resolution process and filed the documents with NCLT, Kolkata, against the company under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. ‘).appendTo($(‘#gta_top’));$(”).appendTo($(‘#gta_top’));},3000);} else if (google_ads.length > 1) {s += ”;}s += ‘ ‘}}return;}google_ad_client = “pub-7641565019577886”;google_ad_slot = “8438645248”;google_ad_width = 620;google_ad_height = 70;google_max_num_ads = 1;google_ad_type = ‘text’;google_ad_output = ‘js’; Electrosteel Steels…