Bill passed in Parliament to revamp and make permanent Simplified Insolvency Programme to support financially distressed companies: Allen & Gledhill

16 January 2025 On 7 January 2025, the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution (Amendment) Bill (“Bill”) was passed in Parliament to revamp the Simplified Insolvency Programme (“SIP”) and to make it a permanent feature of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (“IRDA”). The revamped SIP under…

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Iconic Kiwi pie company goes into liquidation

Iconic Maketū Pies has gone into solvent liquidation. Photo: NZME Maketū Pies has gone into voluntary liquidation after five years of losses. Its owner, Te Arawa Management Ltd, bought the national pie supplier in 2019 during a receivership process but says it has operated at a loss since. It was, at the time, the town’s…

No Cookies | Gold Coast Bulletin

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Rex Airlines enters voluntary administration | SBS News

Rex Airlines enters voluntary administration Published 31 July 2024, 11:05 am Hundreds of workers have lost their jobs after regional carrier Rex Airlines was placed into voluntary administration. While regional routes will continue to operate, flights between major cities have been axed and it’s expected more than 600 employees will be made redundant. Read the…