Christchurch building firm goes into liquidation
Christchurch building firm goes into liquidation …
Christchurch building firm goes into liquidation …
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In a sudden move, engineering consultant Clarkebond has ceased trading and fallen into administration after 77 years The liquidation has been chalked up to issues with management practices and clashing with staff. Just three months prior, in September, the firm was acquired by the Independent Design House Group (IDHG). Clarkebond was a respected player in…
Photo: RNZ Business insolvencies are running at more than double the rate of last year, and one economist says the failure rate exceeds that of the global financial crisis. There were 72 liquidations in October administered by the Insolvency and Trustee Service, just down from 74 in September. Of those, 37 were in Auckland. In…
Access Denied You don’t have permission to access “” on this server. Reference #18.1ef3ce17.1735817487.1a982cb Read the original article here
Access Denied You don’t have permission to access “” on this server. Reference #18.1ef3ce17.1735817148.1a59179 Read the original article here
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Disclaimer Unsolicited emails and other information sent to Dentons will not be considered confidential, may be disclosed to others, may not receive a response, and do not create a lawyer-client relationship. If you are not already a client of Dentons, please do not send us any confidential information. Read the original article here
Gower said in an email response to questions from the Herald that the liquidation of Baby City Retail Investments was due to a combination of a deep recession and falling birth rates in the aftermath of Covid. The company has more than 50 staff, although most work less than full time for the business, Gower…
An Australian consumer affairs body is investigating the boss of a collapsed caravan company which owes millions of dollars to creditors but only has three vehicles to repay everyone. In August, reported that Victorian-based Tango Caravans had plunged into liquidation, leaving 60 customers as much as $90,000 out of pocket each after being “sold…