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SBR scheme set to transform insolvency landscape: Insolvency Australia

The small business restructuring scheme is gaining momentum with a three-fold increase in the first half of the 2025 financial year, according to the latest Corporate Insolvency Index. The most recent Corporate Insolvency Index from Insolvency Australia highlights the positive impact of the small business restructuring (SBR) scheme on Australia’s business recovery landscape. According to…

AWU urges support for sector following Oceania Glass collapse

The Australian Workers’ Union has said “understandable concern” among members had followed the voluntary administration of Dandenong’s Oceania Glass, and raised a perceived lack of support for domestic glass manufacturing. In a statement on Wednesday, the union said its priority is currently “to gather comprehensive insights and secure explanations” from management and administrators of the…

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By Market Capitalisation.Net Sales.Net Profit.Total Assets.Excise.Other Income.Raw Materials.Power & Fuel.Employee Cost.PBDIT.Interest.Tax.EPS.Investments.Sundry Debtors.Cash/Bank.Inventory.Debt.Contingent Liabilities. Screen Crit AbrasivesAerospace & DefenceAgricultureAir ConditionersAirlinesAluminium & Aluminium ProductsAmusement Parks/Recreation/ClubAquacultureAuto AncillariesAuto… Read the original article here