Royal Stafford Pottery Goes Bust

Royal Stafford based in the Royal Overhouse Manufactory, one of the oldest pottery factories in Burslem has collapsed into liquidation. The Stoke-on-Trent pottery business employed some 70 people. The Royal Stafford brand was established in 1845 and the firm described itself as one of the handful of potteries with all production taking place in England.…

By the Horns enters liquidation

One of London’s original craft beer names, By the Horns, has entered liquidation, with owners citing bad debtors, the economy and rent hikes as just some of the reasons. The company, founded in 2011 by Alex Bull and Chris Mills, started with a five and a half barrel kit in Summerstown, before moving production out…

Budget 2025: Relief for a larger segment of Indian promoters under the insolvency code

India’s insolvency ecosystem has long advocated for a Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process (Prepacks) for all corporates. In her budget speech, the Finance Minister has, perhaps inadvertently, taken a partial step forward on the subject.More than 99% of the Indian companies have a turnover which is less than ₹500 crores. In this context, the recent reclassification…