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The interplay between the Cape Town Convention and insolvency law when a private airline company undergoes liquidation in India

Krrishan Singhania K Singhania & Co, Mumbai [email protected] Avni Singhania K Singhania & Co, Mumbai [email protected] K. Anjana Devi K Singhania & Co, Mumbai [email protected] Aayush Shah K Singhania & Co, Mumbai [email protected] Overview of the aviation insolvency proceedings before Indian courts In India, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) was introduced to safeguard stakeholders’…

East Imperial PLC Announces Voluntary Liquidation

East Imperial PLC (GB:EISB) has released an update. East Imperial PLC, once a leading producer of super-premium beverages, has announced plans for a creditors’ voluntary liquidation, with a shareholders’ meeting scheduled for August 28, 2024, to appoint joint liquidators from Begbies Traynor (London) LLP. The meetings, where creditors will also decide on the liquidation committee…