Nicheliving directors save failed company from liquidation

Video: Nicheliving directors save failed company from liquidation Nicheliving directors save failed company from liquidation We’re sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. We’re working to restore it. Please try again later. Dismiss Skip to sections navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer The directors of failed construction company Nicheliving have saved it from liquidation by buying it…

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IBC resolution plans involving combinations must be approved by CCI before CoC stage: Supreme Court

Case background The Court was dealing with appeals filed under Section 62 of the IBC against the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal’s (NCLAT) judgments regarding the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) of Hindustan National Glass and Industries Ltd. (HNGIL). The primary issue concerned the approval of a resolution plan submitted by AGI Greenpac Ltd., which…

Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code Could Be A Double-Edged Sword For Corporate Restructuring, Recovery. Here’s How

By Vibhav Mishra The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), introduced to address deficiencies in earlier laws like the Sick Industrial Companies Act and the Companies Act, promised a revolutionary framework for company revival, reorganization, and debt resolution. However, eight years since its inception, the IBC faces significant implementation challenges, raising questions about whether it is…

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