Administrators aim for urgent sale of S&W Seeds Australia

Administrators are urgently searching for a buyer for S&W Seeds Australia. Photo: S&W Seeds Australia ADMINISTRATORS are calling for expressions of interest for the sale or recapitalisation of S&W Seeds Australia after the business entered into voluntary administration late last month. The seed company reportedly owes almost $61 million, including $50M to secured corporate debt…

Intragastric administration of short chain fatty acids greatly reduces voluntary ethanol intake in rats

Peacock, A. et al. Global statistics on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use: 2017 status report. Addiction 113, 1905–1926. (2018). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Gilpin, N. W. & Koob, G. F. Neurobiology of alcohol dependence: focus on motivational mechanisms. Alcohol Res. Health 31, 185–195 (2008). PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Johnson, B. A. Update…

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