Hudson’s Bay looks to liquidation as additional financing not secured

Canadian department store retailer Hudson’s Bay Company said on Friday it has failed to secure sufficient financing to go ahead with a restructuring transaction under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.  Hudson’s Bay ​The Toronto-based company said it has only secured limited debtor-in-possession financing that will require the full liquidation of the entire business, added that a store-by-store liquidation process will…

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India’s Ola Electric Mobility falls as unit faces insolvency petition — TradingView News

** Shares of Ola Electric Mobility OLAELEC fall 3.7% to 48.62 rupees ** Rosmerta Digital Services, an operational creditor of Ola Electric Technologies, files a petition for initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process against OLAE’s subsidiary Ola Electric Technologies ** Petition was filed alleging default in payment towards services rendered ** Ola Electric denies the…