School lunch programme ‘not at risk’ after provider liquidated, David Seymour positive about its future

Paul Harvey from The School Lunch Collective — the grouping of organisations providing meals — said it was a “difficult situation” for Libelle, which has offered residential catering, tuckshop solutions and school catering services for the past 20 years. “To minimise disruption, Compass Group has taken immediate steps to support Libelle, including ensuring staff wages…

School lunch provider Libelle Group in liquidation

A company involved in supplying school lunches has gone into liquidation. Deloitte New Zealand, who has been appointed liquidator, said Libelle Group was contracted by Compass Group to deliver approximately 125,000 meals daily as part of the Government’s Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches programme. “The Liquidators are undertaking a full and urgent review…