Lenders realise Rs 44,500 cr from resolution of insolvent steel firms: Icra – Chandler Caller

.story-content span,.story-content p,.story-content div{color:#000!important;font-family:open sans,Arial!important;font-size:15px!important} span.p-content div[id^=div-gpt]{line-height:0;font-size:0} Of the 11 steel making entities named in the Reserve Bank of Indias list of large corporate defaulters, four have completed their corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP), with the lenders realising claims to the tune of Rs 44, 500 crore with an average haircut of 47 per cent.…

Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd. – Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)-Intimation of meeting of Committee of Creditors – The Hindu BusinessLine

Date: 2nd March, 2019 To,The Members,Committee of Creditors,M/s. Southern Online Bio Technologies Limited,Hyderabad. Dear sir/Madam, Sub: Notice of 6th Meeting of the Committee of Creditors of M/s. Southern Online Bio Technologies Limited. With reference to the subject cited above, this is to inform you that the 6th Meeting of the Committee of Creditors of M/s.…

Mount Shivalik Industries Ltd. – Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)-Updates – Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) – The Hindu BusinessLine

This is to inform you that the 12th Meeting of Committee of Creditors (CoC) was held on 04.03.2019. In the meeting, The Chairperson apprised the members of the CoC that the Resolution Professional has filed an application before the Honble NCLT, Jaipur Bench, wherein vide order dated 28.02.2019 the Honble NCLT has allowed the application…

Uttam Value Steels Ltd. – Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)-Outcome of meeting of Committee of Creditors – The Hindu BusinessLine

Sub: Outcome of the 9th Meeting of Committee of Creditors of Uttam Value Steels Limited Dear Sir, This is in reference to the captioned subject. Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), 2015, we would like to bring to your notice that the 9th meeting of the Committee of Creditors…

Appster may have traded while insolvent and made $750,000 in concerning payments, liquidator claims – SmartCompany.com.au

The liquidator for collapsed app-development business Appster is rallying creditors to pursue legal action against founders Mark McDonald and Josiah Humphrey, alleging they traded while insolvent. Releasing an anticipated statutory report into the affairs of Appster on Tuesday, liquidator Paul Vartelas revealed the once-upon-a-time market darlings financial position had been worsening for several years prior…

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Govt says trustees too can approach IBC against corporate debtors – The Financial Express

Analysts said the MCA notification helps clear the ambiguity regarding who can approach NCLT for CIRP. The government has allowed trustees, estate administrators, persons authorised by a companys board of directors etc toinitiate corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP) against a corporate debtor before the NCLT, on behalf of financial creditors under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy…

Corporate insolvency: Charter of responsibilities for IRPs, CoC unveiled – BusinessLine

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has come up with a charter of responsibilities for Insolvency Resolution Professionals (IRPs) and Committee of Creditors (CoC) so that stakeholders have a complete and clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in a Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). This…