Thousands of concertgoers left out of pocket as Juicy Fest and Timeless Summer Tour collapse into liquidation

Thousands of concertgoers have been left out of pocket after the company behind Juicy Fest and the Timeless Summer Tour collapsed into liquidation. Chris Lynch Media first revealed the scale of the fallout, with frustrated ticket holders still searching for answers as the companies behind the events remain silent. According to the Companies Office website,…

Lamudi’s parent DCG enters ‘External Administration’ following financial distress

Digital Classifieds Group (DCG), the Australian company that bought proptech firm Lamudi Indonesia in 2023, has entered into ‘External Administration’ or ‘Controllership’, according to a filing to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission, seen by DealStreetAsia. The firm has appointed Daniel Peter Juratowitch, CEO of the advisory and restructuring firm Cor Cordis, as its ‘administrator’…

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Police launch investigation into Pastoralists and Graziers Association as it prepares to exit voluntary administration

A West Australian agricultural lobby group says it has been “let down by a very trusted employee”, as WA police begin investigations into financial misconduct at the Pastoralists and Graziers Association (PGA). “It’s been a pretty interesting experience,” PGA president Tony Seabrook said.  “We found ourselves in a very embarrassing situation of having far too…