Harvard Illinois Bancorp, Inc. Announces Unaudited Financial Statements As Of March 31, 2018 – PR Newswire (press release)

Unaudited Statements of Net Assets in Liquidation and Changes in Net Assets in Liquidation.  At March 31, 2018, the Company reported unaudited total assets in liquidation, total liabilities in liquidation, and net assets in liquidation of $15.4 million, $1.3 million and $14.1 million, respectively. Assets in liquidation at March 31, 2018 included the $8.1 million…

Binani Industries Moves Supreme Court For Out-Of-Court Settlement With UltraTech – NDTV

Supreme will hear the case on April 13. Kolkata: Binani Industries, the parent company of insolvent Binani Cement, on Monday informed the National Company Law Tribunal’s Kolkata bench that it has moved the Supreme Court for termination of insolvency proceedings against its cement manufacturing subsidiary. The company said it had filed the application in the…