US proposes voluntary guidelines for self-driving vehicles in waning days of Biden administration

DETROIT (AP) — In the waning days of President Joe Biden’s administration, the government’s highway safety agency is proposing voluntary… DETROIT (AP) — In the waning days of President Joe Biden’s administration, the government’s highway safety agency is proposing voluntary safety guidelines for self-driving vehicles. But a rule from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…

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To use this website, cookies must be enabled in your browser. To enable cookies, follow the instructions for your browser below. Facebook App: Open links in External Browser There is a specific issue with the Facebook in-app browser intermittently making requests to websites without cookies that had previously been set. This appears to be a…

Melbourne advice firm enters liquidation

Troubled Melbourne financial advice firm United Global Capital (UGC) has been put into liquidation by the Federal Court. ASIC said that creditors had resolved to wind up UGC, and David Stimpson of SV Partners has been appointed as a liquidator.  UGC withdrew its application regarding the cancellation of its Australian financial services licence, which was…