If you’ve ever had a student loan, you know the feeling of dread that comes with it. While it was easy to sign up for a student loan, or to walk into a bank and get one, it’s a lot less easy to pay them off.
By some estimates, 40 million Americans have some student loan debt. If you’re one of them, advertisements that promise to help you “Lower your monthly payment” catch your eye.
As it turns out, some of those sites are illegally using government logos, to give the appearance that they’re affiliated with the United States government. In fact, the Department of Education is taking legal against two such sites.
The DOE has sent “cease and desist” letters to Perfect Privacy, which operates SLprograms.org…
Read the full article at: http://www.komando.com/happening-now/345787/debt-relief-sites-falsely-used-government-logos-to-make-you-think-theyre-legit