Julien Mattia/Le Pictorium/picture-alliance/dpa/MAXPPP
David Malpass and Emmanuel Macron have spoken out in favour of debt leniency. This picture was taken in May 2019 in Paris.
Low-income countries require support to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. The international community has responded with intensified lending, debt suspension and even calls for debt cancellation. Money, however, is not the solution. Decision-makers must pay more attention to the quality of debt. It is necessary to learn lessons from past debt-relief efforts and address systemic weaknesses. Otherwise, countries will remain unable to manage their debt burdens and stay stuck in poverty traps.
The rising indebtedness of low-income countries was until recently …
Read the full article at: https://www.dandc.eu/en/article/even-during-global-pandemic-debt-relief-should-not-be-granted-across-board