BUCKEYE, AZ (AZFamily) — For the Alvarenga family, meals are carefully planned. They have to be, so groceries for five kids can fit into the budget.
“It was literally paycheck-to-paycheck for a long time,” Briana Alvarenga said.
She and her husband Kevin had piled up about $20,000 in credit card debt.
“He lost a job, and we ended up having to put a few months’ worth on a credit card of all of our base bills,” Briana said.
Car trouble and medical bills helped to derail the budget.
“Every time we’d progress, something came up and just became our downfall,” Kevin added.
Their story is familiar. Across the country, credit card debt is a staggering $1.17 trillion, and the average credit card interest rate is more than 21%.
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