Federal High Court creates Insolvency Unit to address companies’ restructuring and dissolution in Nigeria 

The Federal High Court Headquarters has announced the creation of an ‘Insolvency Unit’ for the Court, aimed at addressing the implementation of laws relating to company restructuring and dissolution in Nigeria. According to the court, the laws related to “Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVA), Administration, Receivership, Winding Up (Dissolution), and various forms of restructuring of companies”…

Nova: Insolvency pays – Moneyweb

Nova Property Group, the rescue vehicle of the failed R4.6 billion Sharemax property syndication scheme, is insolvent. Nova’s annual financial statements (AFS) for the year ending February 2024 reveal a company in severe financial distress, with mounting debt, unpaid taxes and severe cash flow constraints. It is also clear that Nova cannot repay the former…