Athletes who went bankrupt | Africanews

This week, many have probably been touched by the plight of footballer Emmanuel Eboué. Many were saddened to hear the player’s current predicament. The former Ivorian international right back Emmanuel Eboué, played for some prestigious European clubs like Sunderland, Galatasaray and Arsenal. In an interview last week, the player told the daily mirror how he…

I lost all of my belongings after being left homeless and bankrupt – now I resort to watching Storage Wars in hopes of finding them again, admits Gail Porter on Good Morning Britain

Gail Porter has revealed that she lost all of her belongings amid her bankruptcy and homelessness woes. The Scottish TV personality, 53, was declared bankrupt in 2017 and is now a patron of the Fair Credit Charity – which alleviates financial hardship through community lending.  Appearing on Good Morning Britain on Wednesday to discuss the…

TGI Friday’s Is Latest Casual Dining Chain to Go Bankrupt

(Bloomberg) — Casual restaurant chain TGI Friday’s Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection after struggling to turn around a business pressured by increasingly cost conscious consumers who’ve either become more selective when dining out, or prefer competitors that provide faster food. The company filed Chapter 11 on Nov. 2 in the Northern District of Texas, listing…

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