Investor says he was not permitted to take away whisky barrels from Nant distillery – Sydney Morning Herald

Nant whisky distillery at Bothwell, Tasmania An investor in Nant, IT consultant David Kavanagh, says Nant Distillery refused to allow him to take his whisky out of its investment scheme to another bond store, even though he had applied to the Australian Tax Office for permission and had organised placement in another secure facility. Mr Kavanagh said…

Book Review: Better Bankers, Better Banks: Promoting Good Business through Contractual Commitment by Claire A … – USAPP American Politics and Policy (blog)

In Better Bankers, Better Banks: Promoting Good Business through Contractual Commitment, Claire A. Hill and Richard W. Painter provide an account of the changes to banking that encouraged the risk-taking that became a factor in the global financial crisis, and propose a solution: covenant banking. The authors suggestion of binding bankers to contracts that encourage accountability…

Better Bankers, Better Banks Book Review – EUROPP – European Politics and Policy (blog)

Better Bankers, Better Banks Book Review Better Bankers, Better Banks: Promoting Good Business through Contractual Commitment. Claire A. Hill and Richard W. Painter. University of Chicago Press. 2015. History is marked by many turning points which we may call critical junctures. The global financial crisis has been one example. The crisis underscored various deficiencies in…

Was Charles Dickens the first celebrity medical spokesman? – PBS NewsHour

Charles Dickens was a great supporter of the Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital in London. In our present era of public service announcements, telethons, fun-runs, cyber-fundraising events and ice bucket challenges, it seems as if every disease or medical cause has a celebrity spokesman drumming up donations and interest. Yet such effective fundraising practices are…