Expensive Loans to the Poor and Unemployed: The Subprime Specter Returns, High Finance and the Growth of High … – Center for Research on Globalization

With more than half of American consumers classified as having subprime credit scores,1 it is no surprise that subprime lending is once again on the rise. Making expensive loans to the underemployed and overextended may help fuel economic growth2; however, it is neither just nor sustainable. Dependence on higher-risk subprime loans to boost spending seems…

Book Review: Better Bankers, Better Banks: Promoting Good Business through Contractual Commitment by Claire A … – EUROPP – European Politics and Policy (blog)

In Better Bankers, Better Banks: Promoting Good Business through Contractual Commitment, Claire A. Hill and Richard W. Painter provide an account of the changes to banking that encouraged the risk-taking that became a factor in the global financial crisis, and propose a solution: covenant banking. The authors suggestion of binding bankers to contracts that encourage accountability…

Mahidol aims to have defaulting lecturer declared bankrupt – Bangkok Post

Dr Banchong Mahaisavariya, vice president of Mahidol University, speaks of the controversial scholarship defaulter at a press conference at the university in Nakhon Pathom province on Tuesday. (Photo by Chanat Katanyu) Related Stories Mahidol University will try to have a former lecturer who defaulted on a 10-million-baht state scholarship in the US declared bankrupt in…