Sapphire and Megafert-Interfert insolvency cases raise questions – Weekly Times Now

Quite a saga: Creditors tried to depose administrators of failed South Australian fertiliser companies Megafert and Interfert. Source: News Limited LAST week the Australian Securities and Investments Commission fired a shot across the bows of insolvency companies. In forcing Tony Matthews, of ­Anthony Matthews and Associates, into an enforceable undertaking ­arrangement, ASIC has effectively placed…

Areas with highest personal insolvency rates revealed – Belfast Telegraph

Published 15/12/2015 Coastal areas featured strongly among the areas with the highest personal insolvency rates Vale of Clwyd, Stoke-on-Trent North and Torbay were the parliamentary constituencies with the highest personal insolvency rates across England and Wales last year, according to official figures. Coastal areas featured strongly among the areas with the highest personal insolvency rates,…

Areas with highest personal insolvency rates revealed – Daily Mail

By Press Association Published: 02:02 EST, 16 December 2015 | Updated: 02:02 EST, 16 December 2015 Vale of Clwyd, Stoke-on-Trent North and Torbay were the parliamentary constituencies with the highest personal insolvency rates across England and Wales last year, according to official figures. Coastal areas featured strongly among the areas with the highest personal insolvency…

Caution over bankruptcy and insolvency law changes – Sydney Morning Herald

Gold Coast financier Peter Drake. Photo: Louie Douvis Alleged union fraudsters such as Kathy Jackson and the heads of some of Australia’s largest collapsed financiers could be key beneficiaries of reforms to bankruptcy laws proposed by the Turnbull government.  The  federal government on Monday launched reforms to make it easier to bounce back from a business failure, including changing the…

Innovation statement’s significant insolvency changes are well overdue –

Those looking for the detail on insolvency changes announced in the Federal Governments long awaited innovation statement wont find it on the government website. But the Productivity Commissions report, Business set-up, Transfer and Closure, also released yesterday, acts as a companion piece to explain the Federal Governments intention to introduce significant changes to Australias insolvency…