Boulevardpresse, publisher of Luxprivat, declared bankrupt

“By judgment dated 10 February 2025, the District Court of and in Luxembourg, sitting in commercial matters, declared bankrupt the limited liability company Boulevardpresse SARL, operating under the trade names Lëtzebuerg Privat and Promi Lëtzebuerg.” The company that publishes the Luxembourg tabloid Privat, headed by Jean Nicolas, is therefore bankrupt, with the date of cessation…

One of the oldest arms companies in France went bankrupt because of Ukraine — EADaily, February 12th, 2025 — Military, Europe

The French arms company Verney-Carron, established more than 200 years ago, announced the termination of payments to employees and launched a bankruptcy case, one of the reasons for this was the breakdown of a contract with a Ukrainian company worth € 36 million. This was reported by BFM TV. The hearing in the Verney-Carron case…

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