Key Considerations for Officers and Directors of Distressed Companies – JD Supra

Even prior to the global impact of COVID-19, commercial bankruptcy filings were already on the rise. As stay-at-home orders caused many businesses to close or significantly curtail operations in 2020, financial struggles in the commercial sector mounted. Government assistance through the passage of different stimulus programs such as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security…

Some Independent Directors of Bankrupt Firms Show Bias, Study Says – The Wall Street Journal

Companies on the brink of insolvency are increasingly appointing independent directors to their boards as they prepare for a bankruptcy filing, but their neutrality is disputed by creditors, lawyers and academics. The companies label these directors as disinterested experts who act to maximize value for creditors by investigating the reasons for the bankruptcy, dealings between…

Commercial Bankruptcy Filings on the Rise Through and After COVID – The National Law Review

Thursday, July 22, 2021 Even prior to the global impact of COVID-19, commercial bankruptcy filings were already on the rise. As stay-at-home orders caused many businesses to close or significantly curtail operations in 2020, financial struggles in the commercial sector mounted. Government assistance through the passage of different stimulus programs such as the Coronavirus Aid,…