December 2020 corporate and individual insolvency statistics R3 response – Business Up North

Eleanor Temple, Yorkshire Chair of R3 Eleanor Temple, chair of insolvency and restructuring trade body R3 in Yorkshire and a barrister at Kings Chambers in Leeds, responds to todays publication of Decembers corporate and personal insolvency statistics for England and Wales: Decembers increase in corporate insolvency numbers has been driven by a rise in administrations…

Attorney-General floats bankruptcy changes, tougher sanctions against untrustworthy advisers – AccountantsDaily

Business Changes to the personal insolvency system, including reducing the default period of bankruptcy from three years to one year and tougher sanctions against dodgy advisers, have now been floated by the government. Business Jotham Lian 18 January 2021 1 minute read object(stdClass)#17022 (8) { [“image_intro”]=> string(65) “images/articleimages-391×261/850×492/Parliament-house-new1-ad.jpg” [“float_intro”]=> string(0) “” [“image_intro_alt”]=> string(42) “Attorney-General floats…