French SKTB Aluminium Declared Insolvent – SteelGuru

Image Source: Metal Bulletin x DOWNLOAD French SKTB Aluminium Declared Insolvent French SKTB Aluminium Declared Insolvent SKTB Aluminium a French downstream aluminium producer went into administration earlier this month after the local commercial court declared the company insolvent. The closure of SKTBs factory in Gorcy in north-eastern France followed a failed last-minute attempt to secure…

environment Fossil-mining company broke with millions in the bank Insolvency documents for Plaman Resources show – Newsroom

environment Insolvency documents for fossil-mining company Plaman Resources show there aremillions in the bank and few current liabilities. The offshore company, which had plans to mine a fossil-laden maar in Middlemarch for diatomite, quietly went into receivership late last week. When information from a leaked Goldman Sachs report hit the press, local support for the…