Well attended MHIS workshop discusses personal insolvency and mortgage-to-rent solutions – Donegal Democrat

Market House Insolvency Services Limited (MHIS) in association with Home for Life held a workshop on personal insolvency and mortgage-to-rent solutions at the Mount Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny, on January 22.The Workshop was attended by local MABS representatives, solicitors and accountants and provided information on assessing mortgage-to-rent as a means of solving serious mortgage debt problems…

The Klein Law Firm Reminds Investors of Class Actions on Behalf of Shareholders of DNKEY, YRIV, ALKS and MKL – GlobeNewswire

NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Klein Law Firm announces that class action complaints have been filed on behalf of shareholders of the following companies. If you suffered a loss you have until the lead plaintiff deadline to request that the court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Danske Bank A/S (OTCMKTS: DNKEY)Class…

Civil engineering firms hit hard as construction insolvencies soar – New Civil Engineer

In total 3,156 companies within the construction sector were declared insolventin 2018, up 13% from 2017, according to solicitor Nocklods. It is the highest level of insolvencies recorded since 2015. While the research shows strong demand from first time buyers has supported house builders, civil engineering businesses were deemed to be struggling. Sixty civil engineering…

Personal insolvencies fall in most capital cities in December quarter 2018 – Mirage News

The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) released regional personal insolvency statistics for the December quarter 2018. New personal insolvencies fell in most capital cities in the December quarter 2018 compared to the previous quarter. The exceptions were Greater Darwin and Greater Hobart. December quarter 2018 regional personal insolvencies state by state The Greater Sydney regions…

Bitfinex is facing a new set of insolvency rumours – finder.com.au

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