Support available for people in debt in Redditch

OASIS Christian Centre in Redditch along with debt help charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are offering free debt help to anyone who has made it their New Year’s resolution to get out of unmanageable debt. The service offer free, non-judgemental debt help, and the service is open to people of all faiths and non.…

Sponsored: Debt Relief Options for Texans

This segment is sponsored by:  Debt Redemption Debt Redemption helps Texans resolve very high, overwhelming credit card and personal loan debt.  Find out if debt consolidation loans, credit counseling, or a Texas debt relief program to negotiate down your credit card debt and unsecured balances will provide the help you need. The firm specializes in…

Arrests after FCA investigations into unauthorised debt and claims management activities

Arrests have been made following two FCA investigations into unauthorised debt and claims management activities. The regulator said it had executed search warrants at seven addresses across the West Midlands, Cambridgeshire, Stirling and Cumbernauld. It carried out the operations with the help of West Midlands Police, the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit and Police Scotland.…

Preaching Against the Odds – Christianity Today

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Thousands searched for debt help over Christmas

According to a free money advisory service, nearly 4,000 people searched for debt help over Christmas. Data from the Money Wellness website showed that 3,994 people visited the website on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day seeking advice on dealing with unmanageable debt. Almost 2,000 (1,835) people in London searched for support, followed by…