UK Churches can help to tackle scourge of debt – ChristianToday

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The upside of record mortgage debt? We’re all working longer – The Australian Financial Review

Rising mortgage debt is giving a productivity boost to the Australian workforce as it is keeping older workers out of retirement, a new report from housing research body Ahuri says. Older people were more likely to be working for every $100,000 of additional mortgage debt they had, Curtin University professor Rachel Ong told Ahuri’s housing…

Puerto Rico power monopoly’s debt deal rejected – MarketWatch – MarketWatch

A $9 billion restructuring deal covering Puerto Rico’s public power monopoly failed to win approval on Tuesday from the island’s federal oversight officials, raising the likelihood of default at one of the largest U.S. utilities. The federal board overseeing Puerto Rico’s finances rejected the proposed settlement in a 4-3 vote, capping weeks of doubt about…

Medical bill advocacy startup Better pledges all of its revenue towards relieving medical debt – TechCrunch

Put aside whatever shred of healthcare decency the Senate happens to be ripping out at the moment and take a look at Better, a startup helping people deal with out-of-network medical bills. The startup has just pledged 100 percent of its revenue towards relieving those stuck in serious medical debt at least until this fall. Better…

Medical bill advocacy startup Better pledges all of its revenue towards relieving medical debt – TechCrunch

Put aside whatever shred of healthcare decency the Senate happens to be ripping out at the moment and take a look at Better, a startup helping people deal with out-of-network medical bills. The startup has just pledged 100 percent of its revenue towards relieving those stuck in serious medical debt at least until this fall. Better…