How can developing countries power up public investment?

Sources: International Country Risk Guide (ICRG); WDI Database (World Bank). A. Bars show group medians ICRG’s index of Control of Corruption. The sample includes 36 advanced economies and 97 EMDEs, of which 17 are low-income countries (LICs). B. 2013-23 averages. The quality of transport infrastructure reflects perceptions of the quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure.…

New funding in Argyll and Bute for debt advice

New funding has been awarded to advise people in Argyll and Bute struggling with Council Tax debt. The Scottish Government has awarded £400,000 to Citizens Advice Scotland to build on pilot schemes last year. And Argyll & Bute is one of six new areas to be included, together with West Lothian, East Lothian, Dumfries &…