ECU Health partnership will help qualifying ENC patients erase medical debt – Public Radio East
ECU Health partnership will help qualifying ENC patients erase medical debt Public Radio East Read the original article here
ECU Health partnership will help qualifying ENC patients erase medical debt Public Radio East Read the original article here
State health officials have taken the first step — creating a template — toward their pledge of sharing North Carolina’s innovative medical debt relief blueprint with other states. The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services unveiled last week its medical debt toolkit website that features its groundbreaking collaboration with the state’s 99 hospitals who volunteered to…
State health officials have taken the first step — creating a template — toward their pledge of sharing North Carolina’s innovative medical debt relief blueprint with other states. The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services unveiled last week its medical debt toolkit website that features its groundbreaking collaboration with the state’s 99 hospitals who volunteered to…
This week, 33 abortion funds around the country will receive $50,000 from the Debt Collective, a union of debtors best known for its actions around student loans. The money is part of the Debt Collective’s Rolling Jubilee Fund, a project of canceling debt in almost all fields of American life, whether it be medical debt,…
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[3822385] * Moody’s Investors Service (2023), accessed August 2024. Important information The opinions expressed are those of the author(s), are as of the date indicated and may change based on market and other conditions. The accuracy of the content and its relevance to your client’s particular circumstances is not guaranteed. This market commentary has been…
Thai cabinet approves measures to ease household debt Reuters Read the original article here
One of Australia’s biggest tax accountancy groups has called the government’s proposed amendments to reduce Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) payments a “game changer” for anyone with a HECS debt. About three million Australian workers with a HELP debt will get some level of relief in the next financial year should the government’s legislation passes…
SINGAPORE: A Singaporean casino high-roller who incurred a multimillion-dollar baccarat debt with The Star Gold Coast Casino has been ordered to repay the casino about A$38.7 million (S$33.6 million). Dr Wong Yew Choy incurred an A$43 million debt at the casino in Queensland, Australia, between July 26 and Aug 2, 2018, but left Australia on…
Study finds around 16% of adults and 26% of adolescents who play online casino games are estimated to have a gambling problem. Dec 15, 2024 • 11:12 ET • 4 min read The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted that online gambling losses in the United States will exceed $1 trillion by 2028. The United…