Hundreds of student-loan borrowers who applied for debt cancellation are being denied relief by a major lender, over 20 Democratic lawmakers say

Sen. Elizabeth Warren led over 20 colleagues in requesting the CFPB and FTC investigate student-loan company Navient. They said they’re concerned that Navient might be improperly denying defrauded borrowers debt relief. Navient said it’s committed to getting relief to borrowers, but the discharge process is still in its early stages. A group of Democratic lawmakers…

Jay Leno Debunks Gambling Debt Beatdown Rumors

Posted on: December 12, 2024, 05:44h.  Last updated on: December 12, 2024, 05:44h. Jay Leno has discredited rumors that injuries sustained while falling down a hill in Pennsylvania last month were the result of being roughed up by the Mafia over gambling debts. This nasty bruising to left side of Jay Leno’s face was the…