Somalia Secures $145.6 Million Debt Relief Agreement with France

2 December, 2024 Posted by Abdirisaq Shino Somalia has finalized a debt relief agreement with France totaling $145.6 million, marking another significant milestone in the country’s economic recovery efforts. Somalia’s Finance Minister Bihi Iman Ege signed the agreement with French Ambassador Arnaud Suquet, building on recent debt relief successes. Last month, Somalia achieved notable debt…

Should You Apply for Debt Relief Before the Holidays?

Key Takeaways Credit and debit card spending by household was up 1.0% in October compared to the year prior, up from a decline in September, according to a recent report. If you’re feeling pressured to spend more this holiday season, consider strategies and tools like debt consolidation, balance transfers, and budgeting apps before taking on…

Debt swaps to rejuvenate local governments

CAI MENG/CHINA DAILY On Nov 8, the Standing Committee of the National People”s Congress approved an increase of 6 trillion yuan ($828 billion) in the local government special bond ceiling to replace outstanding hidden debt — or liabilities of local governments that are not officially recorded. The increase is designated for swapping outstanding implicit debts,…

How Much Will You Get Back?

After months of anticipation, the Federal Government’s changes to the HECS indexation rules have finally become law, passing through Parliament on Tuesday night. Under the new legislation, the annual indexation of student loans will be capped at the lower of either inflation or wage growth. This change, which takes effect retroactively from June 2023, will…